Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Cholov Yisroel

Someone requested a post on Cholov Yisroel but i dont know enough about it and dont have time to write one. There's an issur d'rabanan against drinking milk from a gentile b/c of the fear he may have added non-kosher milk. There are many reasons to be meikil nowadays in America:
It's like a Jew watched it since the Government would punish any farmer who mixed in other milk. (This is R' Moshe's reason). It would be impractical or impossible for farmers nowadays to mix in other milk. A farmer of old whose cow didn't produce enough milk might be tempted to add some milk from the donkey, but nowadays there are thousands of cows who get milked by machines (it's not even milked by a gentile so may be muttar technically), and there are no other animals milked nearby (anothe reason to be matir).

There are also reasons to be machmir.

See here for a discussion of the issue that has R' Moshe's responsa in hebrew and English.
A 3-part series fom R' Jachter on cholov yisroel: Meikil, Machmir, Part Three


Zappable said...

he probably is machmir himself but says u dont have to, just like r'moshe.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

who is lakewoodyid?

Zappable said...

Furthermore, does a person in a position like that (relying on food stamps and such) really have a right to force the American taxpayer to fork over additional funds just so he can be makpid on cholov yisroel?

i never took food stamps but i somehow doubt the u.s government pays people more if they keep cholov yisroel.

Zappable said...

how r we all so sure how will b rewarded? maybe a chumra is just a chumra.

Zappable said...

keeping cholov yisroel is not an issue for milk. its about ice cream and chocolate.

Zappable said...

r' moshe says a school could pay more, so maybe a kollel person too.

Zappable said...

Once were having hashgocha, you might as well have it Cholov Yisroel.

u drag it along? anyways, its hard for ice cream.

Zappable said...

milk should have a hashgacha b/c of the non-kosher fish stuff thay add in for vitamins. if u have no other milk, u can get non-hechsher since its over 99.9% kosher (batel b'elef). - OU

r'moshe was said its like a jew is watching it since the government would punish people who add stuff.

Zappable said...

who is lakewoodyid?

A yid from lakewood! :)

don't thay have some sort of ban on internet there?

Anonymous said...

Perhaps it is admirable to order cholov yisrael if you can. However, let us say you are visiting relatives who baked a cholov-stam cheesecake? Should you be able to eat it?